Quantum groups
VTM8 by Alessandro Contu
Speakers: Alessandro Contu
Date: June 17, 2021 at 9:00 PM CEST on Zoom. Click for more info.
Recording: Link
Title: Quantum groups: algebraic objects arising from statistical physics
Abstract: Quantum groups are deformations of certain associative algebras. Appearing first in physics literature in the field of integrable quantum systems, they have been formalized as mathematical objects since the late 80’s, opening a rich area of research still under active development. In this gentle introduction to the subject, we will provide the basic constructions and show the relationship with integrable lattice models in statistical mechanics. The only prerequisite is a familiarity with linear algebra.
Alessandro is a PhD candidate at the University of Paris. He obtained his Bachelor in Applied Mathematics at the University of Verona in 2018 and, following one year of the Masters degree in Mathematics at Verona, he completed his Masters at the Université de Paris in 2020.